Privacy Policy

Statement of Privacy
As of August 2024, last updated

Table of Contents

    Greetings and welcome to the “Policy” on Privacy of Typical Casters. The terms “Typical Casters,” “our,” “us,” and “we” in this Policy relate to MedaCom LLC, dba Typical Casters and/or, if applicable, Typical Casters Global Inc., both of which are Typical Studios companies. The controller of your personal information is MedaCom, LLC (if you are located in the United States) or Typical Casters Global Inc. (if you are located anywhere else in the world) when we process it for the purposes of managing our customer relationship with you, running our Website, and carrying out our marketing activities. A different privacy notice will apply to any personal information we collect about you if you are an employee, contractor, or job applicant. We will give you this notice when it is appropriate.

    We take our obligations to preserve privacy and data security extremely seriously. Therefore, when you visit our website at (the “Website”), subscribe to our streaming, measurement, advertising, and hosting services (collectively, the “Services”), or interact with us in any other way, we are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals (referred to as “you” or “your”). Therefore, you acknowledge that your data will be collected and processed in compliance with the guidelines outlined in this Policy whether you use our services, visit our website, or interact with us in any other way. Please do not use our services, access our website, or listen to our clients’ audio material if you disagree with our policies and procedures regarding the collection and processing of your data. The personal information we gather for our clients in our capacity as processors or service providers—such as the data we gather when you use our clients’ mobile applications, podcasts, and digital audio streamers—is not covered by this Policy. In those circumstances, kindly consult the website’s or app’s privacy statement from which you obtained the audio file.

    For your convenience, we have included a brief synopsis of our Policy in the table below. You can then navigate through the particular areas of our Table of Contents that you might find interesting.

    In a nutshell:

    Who we are:

    If you’re in the US, go to MedaCom LLC, also known as Typical Casters.

    Wherever you are in the world: Typical Casters Global LLC

    15165 NW 77th Ave, Hialeah, FL 33014 is our company address.

    [email protected]

    When and how data is gathered:

    We get data straight from you at the following times:

    You employ our offerings.
    You can chat with us to get customer service.
    We can be reached by phone, email, or social media.
    You register for research, insights, webinars, newsletters, and other materials that we share.
    You complete the forms on our website.
    On each page of our website, you can peruse
    Otherwise, you communicate with us
    Additionally, information may be obtained by us from third-party business partners, clients, affiliates, and vendors who support the running of our company.

    To learn more, refer to Section 2.

    Information types that we gather and handle:

    Identifiers such as your phone number
    Records of customers and their preferences, including correspondence and documentation of goods and services acquired, considered, or bought
    general location information
    Device, Internet, and usage activity, including the way you use our communications and digital material and how you browse the web
    Conclusions we draw about you
    sensitive personal data, such as payment details and the username and password for a Typical Casters account
    From users of our website:

    Identifiers such as your phone number
    general location information
    Device, Internet, and usage activity, including the way you use our communications and digital material and how you browse the web

    How your data is used by us:

    In order to provide our services, maintain our relationship with you, provide, secure, and protect the integrity of our website, improve our services, and as permitted by law and periodically disclosed to you, we process personal information, including sensitive personal information, on both our behalf and the behalf of our clients.

    Providing third parties with your information:

    We might give your information to the following third parties:

    Our affiliated companies and corporate parents
    service providers, such as those who handle marketing, analytics, and advertising, that carry out certain tasks or provide services on our behalf
    Our patrons
    Regarding the transfer of our assets
    Additional third parties as mandated by law or as needed to guarantee the security of our website and/or services
    To learn more, refer to Section 5.

    Protecting the data you have:

    We uphold widely recognized security guidelines intended to safeguard the data we handle.

    Your entitlements:

    Contact us by phone at +1 (786) 951-2056, or by email at [email protected], to exercise your rights regarding your personal information.

    Vital details
    >> About Us

    Typical Casters empowers broadcasters, podcasters, and streaming music services to expand their audience, boost revenue, and streamline operations with cutting-edge technology and tailored solutions

    Unless the owner of the information is one of our clients, we normally do not deal directly with the individual owners of the information. Instead, when our clients use our Services, we usually process information—including personal information, if any—on their behalf.

    The controller of your personal information is MedaCom LLC… when we process personal information in the context of managing our customer relationship with you, running our Website, carrying out our marketing activities, and stopping fraudulent and criminal activity in connection with the Services, including but not limited to, conducting invalid traffic analyses (“IVT Analyses”). Our customer, not us, is the controller of your personal information when we process it on their behalf as part of the services we provide on their behalf. The purpose of this Policy is not to outline our clients’ privacy policies. Please go to the privacy policy of the website or app where you received the audio material for more information about their privacy practices.

    How to get in touch with us

    For any inquiries concerning this Policy, or to make use of your legal rights, please get in touch with us using the information below:

    by sending an email to [email protected]
    You have the right to file complaints with the appropriate regulatory body about how we process your personal information. We value the opportunity to resolve your complaint before you do so because we respect your privacy.


    The information that Typical Casters may obtain from (i) our clients using our services and (ii) people who interact with us, such as visitors to our website, is outlined in this Policy. It includes personal information or the equivalent terminology in your jurisdiction.

    To ensure that you understand how and why we are using your information, please take the time to thoroughly read this Policy.

    Links, additional websites, and other outside sources

    For the purposes of conducting business, our clients and/or their contractors may utilize and operate the Services utilizing tags, pixels, cookies, or other comparable technologies. This Policy is not meant to explain the privacy policies of our clients or their contractors. We are not liable for the use of tracking technologies or personal information by our clients or their contractors. Please go to the privacy policy of the website or app where you received the audio material for more information about their privacy practices. Additionally, Typical Casters has no control over, nor responsibility for, any of the links on our website that lead to other websites or online services that are run and maintained by third parties. Third-party content like this is not covered by this Policy. We advise you to check out these third-party websites’ or services’ privacy policies.

    Modifications to this Policy

    This Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes to legal requirements and our business practices. To make sure you are aware of any applicable changes, please make sure to visit our Privacy Policy page frequently.

    About Children Accessing This Service

    No one under the age of sixteen is intended to use the website or services. Please email [email protected] if you discover that your child has given us personal information without your permission. We do not intentionally gather personal data from minors who are younger than 16. If we learn that a child under the age of sixteen (or under the age of fourteen in Quebec) has given us personal information, we take action to delete that information and close the child’s account and services.

    How your information is gathered by us

    We and our providers begin gathering data as soon as you communicate with Typical Casters. Information about you may be automatically gathered by us using cookies, pixels, and other tracking techniques, or you may choose to supply it to us yourself on occasion (for more details on these tools, see Section 6 below).

    We get data straight from you and your gadgets when:

    You employ our offerings.
    You can chat with us to get customer service.
    We can be reached by phone, email, or social media.
    You register for research, insights, webinars, newsletters, and other materials that we share.
    You complete the forms on our website.
    On each page of our website, you can peruse
    As stated in Section 1 above, you listen to the audio content of our clients, such as podcasts, digital radio stations, and mobile applications, in order to stop fraudulent and illegal activities related to the Services, including by doing IVT Analyses.
    In the event that you are a business contact, we may additionally get personal information directly from you during interactions, onboarding, and the provision or receipt of goods or services.
    Additionally, we get personal data from third parties we employ to handle tasks on our behalf. For instance, we might receive personal data from vendors who host or manage our apps and websites. We might also receive information about you from our analytics suppliers, advertising technology vendors, and marketing agencies.

    Information about you can come from various third parties with whom we do business. These third parties may include social networking platforms, our marketing partners, and clients who provide us with data they have obtained from you directly or indirectly. In the event that you are a business contact, we may additionally obtain information from other members of your organization or from parties who have referred you to other organizations.

    We might obtain personal data from our subsidiaries, affiliates, and other businesses that share ownership and management with Typical Casters, such as the Typical Studios organizations.

    We amalgamate data. Information that we have gathered offline and online may be combined by us. Alternatively, we might mix information we currently have with information we obtain from a different source. To track trends and preferences over time, we might also combine your information with that of other customers.

    The kinds of data that we gather

    Depending on how you engage with Typical Casters, we may collect and use different types of information about you (for example, whether you are a content owner, a website visitor, or a listener to one of our clients’ audio material).

    From people who have used our services:

    Name, phone number, postal address, email address, and IP address are examples of identifiers.
    Information from your customer record includes any letters or documents you provide us, as well as documentation of goods or services you’ve bought, received, or are considering.
    Purchase and Preference Data: Details about the goods and media you view or buy, together with transaction history and subscription purchases.
    Geolocation data: An IP address is used to determine a general location; but, unless we have your express authorization, we are unable to determine your particular location within the legal ranges.
    Internet Service Provider, operating system, internet browser type, device type, settings, language, browsing activity (including URLs, titles, and content of web pages and other information you search for or access through the Services), which advertisements and digital content you click on or engage with, whether you open and click through our emails, and information about how you access the Services are among the details pertaining to your device, Internet, or other electronic network activity.
    Professional Information: In addition to the data outlined in this notice, we may additionally gather information about your work title, office location, income or payments, and engagement history with us if you deal with us on behalf of business clients, suppliers, or other enterprises. Please be aware that in some jurisdictions, certain business contact information may be deemed non-personal or subject to exceptions.
    Inferences: Based on our analysis of the data we gather, we may make assumptions about you that we feel represent your preferences, traits, attitudes, and predispositions.
    Sensitive personal data: For your Typical Casters account, we will gather your username, password, and payment details (bank account number, card number, and expiration date). Apart from the aforementioned, in the event that you communicate with us on behalf of suppliers, business clients, or other enterprises, we might also gather your social security number, driver’s license number, and background check data if they are pertinent to our working relationship.
    From users of our website:

    IP addresses and other distinctive identifiers, such as mobile device identification
    Any information you provide through a form, including your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and any comments or questions you may have, is considered customer record information.
    Geolocation data: an IP address’s general location (not your exact location within the bounds set by applicable regulations unless we have your express agreement)
    information about your device, the Internet, or other electronic networks: Internet Service Provider, operating system, type of internet browser, device type, settings, language, and browsing activity (including URLs, titles, and content of websites and other information you search for or access through the Services), the advertisements and digital content you click on or interact with, whether you open and click through our emails, and details about how you use the Services
    Inferences: based on our analysis of the data we gather, we may make assumptions about you that we feel represent your preferences, traits, attitudes, and predispositions.
    Once “anonymized” to prevent it from being traced back to you, personal information is not covered by this policy. Instead, we may regard it as non-personal information and use it without contacting you, unless it is required by law. Additionally, we might combine information that does not directly identify you with personal information; in such case, the combined data will be regarded as personal information.

    How and why we make use of your data
    As long as we follow data protection regulations, we are only permitted to use your information for the purposes for which we are authorized by law.

    Reasons for Processing

    We process personal data, including sensitive personal data, for the following reasons: (i) to carry out business prospect and marketing activities; (ii) to provide our Services in compliance with the agreement with you; (iii) for our legitimate business interests, such as safeguarding and maintaining the integrity of our Website and improving our Services; (iv) to provide you market data (such as rankers, reports, research, and other insights), if you have requested such data; and (v) as permitted to comply with applicable legal requirements.

    Information Use

    We use the personal data we gather about you, including, where appropriate, sensitive personal data, to:

    Supply, manage, uphold, enhance, and advertise the Services;
    give you the ability to view, stream, download, upload, collaborate on, and exchange content, among other features of the Services;
    handle and finish transactions and forward pertinent data, such as invoices, to you;
    interact with you, including by answering your queries, comments, and requests and by offering assistance and customer support;
    give you details about products, features, questionnaires, newsletters, deals, incentives, competitions, and occasions;
    give you updates or information about our company and the partners we’ve chosen;
    provide you with administrative and support messages, security alerts, updates, and technical notices;
    Check your identity;
    dispense and track advertising on behalf of advertisers and clients;
    Track and evaluate usage patterns, trends, and activities related to the services, as well as for promotional or marketing purposes;
    For our clients’ reporting and analytics needs, track and examine patterns, usage, and actions related to audio content access;
    look into and stop illegal activity, such as unauthorized access to the services, fraudulent transactions, and other violations;
    Customize the Services by offering features, content, or adverts based on your interests and preferences;
    allow you to interact, share content, and connect with users you specify;
    When you have chosen to engage in such activities, carry out business prospecting activities.
    if you have asked it, provide you with market data (such as rankers, reports, studies, and other insights);
    give you a sneak peek at our services;
    Regarding business dealings, to oversee and manage our connection with you and your employer (including but not limited to keeping records, making payments, getting in touch with you, monitoring results, and confirming your eligibility and appropriateness); and
    For other reasons that we might occasionally let you know about.
    Additionally, we might perform analysis or research using the information we gather about you in aggregate form, including studies on the demographics of our customers, their online habits, and their interests and behaviors. Individual data is not the same as aggregate data. Additionally, advertising, promotion, and website administration can make use of aggregate data.

    revealing to outside parties personal information about you
    As outlined below, we might disclose your personal information—including, in certain situations, sensitive personal information—to third parties:

    Corporate Parents, Affiliates, and Subsidiaries: We may provide our corporate parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries access to the information we gather about you for a range of uses, such as marketing, business, and operational needs.
    Service Providers: If you provide us with certain services or help us run our business, like installation, maintenance and repair, operations, billing and debt recovery, information technology, network services, market research, and marketing, we may share the information we gather about you with service providers (including vendors and technology partners). We make use of the following service provider categories:
    billing and collection companies, including companies that handle payments and help us determine your credit and payment history;
    professional services consultants, include auditing and accounting companies, legal practices, or other businesses offering support and resources for specific projects;
    services related to marketing and advertising;
    IT vendors, include companies that help with network operations, data and software storage, website design, hosting, and maintenance; and
    Suppliers, whose technologies or components are integrated into the Typical Casters platforms, services, and/or products.
    Customers: If we have gathered your data on a client’s behalf, we might disclose it to them (as stated in Section 1 above, to prevent fraudulent and illegal activities in connection with the Services, including by performing IVT Analyses).
    Marketers and advertising agencies: We might provide your data to a limited number of marketing, advertising, and analytics partners so they can customize the adverts that are embedded into our clients’ audio content on their behalf.
    Other third parties as needed to comply with applicable laws or to safeguard the security of Typical Casters, its corporate parents, affiliates and subsidiaries, our users and customers, our website, and/or the Services: We may disclose your information to regulators, law enforcement, judicial bodies, or other third parties as needed to comply with applicable laws.
    In connection with an asset transfer: We may disclose your information to a third party as a result of or in connection with a transaction involving the sale of all or a portion of our business, the sale or transfer of assets, a merger, another business transfer, or in the event of bankruptcy.
    Other third parties with your consent: If you agree, we might disclose your information to other third parties.


    We occasionally employ “cookies,” “pixel tags,” and other technologies for the following uses:

    Website Operations/Essential Cookies: These cookies allow us to provide you with the Services by identifying you as logged in, tracking the views of your content, and storing your preferences.
    Analytics: To monitor site performance, gain insight into how our services are being utilized, and make necessary adjustments.
    Personalized Advertising: Targeting advertisements to you according to your interests or choices while tracking their impact.
    The web browser on your computer stores little data files called cookies. By adjusting the settings of your browser, you can determine whether and how cookies are accepted by your computer. You might not be able to enjoy some elements of our website and/or services, though, if you decide to refuse cookies.

    We might permit outside parties to use our website and/or services to gather information by placing and reading their own cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies. These technologies may be used by our third-party service providers to gather data that (i) assists us in measuring traffic, doing research, and performing analytics, and (ii) is used to show you customized ads on the Internet based on your apparent interests. We shall treat combined information as personal information under this Policy to the extent that we combine information from third-party services with personal information we directly receive from you. Otherwise, third parties’ policies and practices governing information collection and storage, including whether or not they share information with us, the kinds of information they share, and your choices about what is visible to others on third party services, continue to apply to the information they collect and store.

    Your Selections and Preferences for Marketing
    Regarding our use of your personal data, including its marketing, you have various choices:

    Direct Marketing: We make an effort to keep direct marketing to a fair and appropriate level and to send out only messages that we think could be pertinent or interesting. You can click the “unsubscribe” or a similar link on any online newsletter you receive from us to stop receiving our marketing emails. We will still send you non-promotional emails, such those about your account or our continued business relationships, even if you choose not to receive promotional communications.
    Cookies: You have some control over the cookies that either we or other parties use on our websites and services. By turning on a feature in your browser that lets you reject cookie settings, you can block cookies. Additionally, cookies can be removed using your browser’s settings. Certain sections of our website and/or services won’t work properly if you use your browser’s settings to reject, disable, or block cookies (even necessary cookies). Our website might not be available at all in some circumstances. As permitted by these third parties, you have options about how any of our third-party analytics providers’ cookies are used.
    Our Do Not monitor Policy: You can instruct a website not to monitor you by using the “do not track” options available in certain browsers. These characteristics are not all the same; for example, we do not currently reply to undefined DNT signals because there is currently no consensus on how to interpret Web browser-based Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals.
    Interest-Based Advertising: In order to provide you with interest-based advertising, we utilize cookies and other tracking technologies to gather data about how you use the websites and services over time and on different devices. Visit and to find out more information and to opt out of certain uses of cookies for interest-based advertising. You can also disable advertising cookies by clicking the “Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information” link located in the website footer. For details on the DAA’s mobile app opt-out program, go to Your decisions are unique to each device and browser. You will have to opt out of each browser and every device you use if you use different browsers on your device or multiple devices. Please be advised that you can still receive contextual and non-personalized adverts even if you choose not to be tracked for specific types of interest-based advertising.

    Particular Rights to Privacy by Jurisdiction
    The additional privacy rights that you could have according to local regulations are detailed below.

    Note that for the purposes of these requests, personal information does not include information we have gathered in our capacity as a service provider to our clients, unless otherwise specified by relevant legislation.

    To view your personal information or to use any of the other rights listed below, there will be no cost. If allowed by law, we may, however, charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is excessive or unwarranted. Alternatively, in certain cases, we can decline to comply with the request. Furthermore, there can be requests that we are unable to handle due to additional legal constraints. Should a request be turned down, we’ll let you know why.

    You have the option to submit a request on your own, or you can designate an authorized agent, your parent or legal guardian if you’re a minor, to submit a request on your behalf. Please make sure the authorized agent properly identifies as an authorized agent when they submit the request on your behalf. In order for us to reasonably confirm that you are the person (or an authorized agent) to whom the requested personal information belongs, your request must contain enough information. As a result, kindly supply us with the following details:

    a concise explanation of your situation; and
    your details for communication
    We might ask for more verification data, which we will explain to you at the time, based on the specifics and gravity of your request. Your provided information will only be used for verification purposes. This is a security step to make sure that someone who isn’t supposed to get it doesn’t get access to personal information.

    Your Rights to Privacy in the EU and the UK

    We process personal data in accordance with the following legal justifications in order to comply with EU and UK data protection laws:

    Contract: It is essential to our ability to carry out the agreement you have made to enter into with us. We cannot fulfill our responsibilities under the terms of the contract if you do not give us your personal information.
    Legitimate Interests: If processing your personal data serves our legitimate interests, then we will do so. The efficient and legal operation of our business, the efficient delivery and enhancement of our goods, services, and platforms, information security operations, adherence to legal requirements, compliance with requests for disclosure to law enforcement, courts, and regulatory bodies, and the prevention and detection of fraud or suspected fraud are just a few examples of the legitimate interests that may lead us to process personal information. Our legitimate interest is to give you the information you have requested and to provide customer service in regards to general inquiries and complaints that you send us. You have the right to object to the processing we do based on legitimate interests. To learn how, look below.
    Consent: We send you information about products or services that we think you would find interesting, or we allow third parties to do so, if you have granted us permission to do so. It is within your rights to change your mind. See the information below to learn how.
    Legal Claims: In order to establish or defend a legal claim (such as a claim arising under contract law from the sale of our goods and services), we must process your personal information.
    Regarding the personal data that Typical Casters has about you, you might be entitled to the following legal protections if you live in the EU or the UK:

    Right to Information – You are entitled to information about how we use your information and your rights that is clearly comprehensible, transparent, and clear. For this reason, we are giving you access to the data in this Policy;
    Right of Access: You are entitled to information about the personal data we handle about you and the ability to access it.
    Right to Rectification: In the event that your personal information is erroneous or lacking, you are entitled to request that we correct or amend it.
    Right to Erasure: You are entitled to ask that your personal data be removed from our records. There are limitations to this right to be removed, and it is not a universal one;
    Right to Restrict – You are entitled to ask that we cease processing all or part of your personal data, either temporarily or permanently;
    Right to Object-You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data by us for reasons related to your specific circumstances, as well as the processing of your personal data for direct marketing;
    Right to Data Portability: This refers to your ability to seek an electronic copy of your personal data and to transfer it to another party for use in their services;
    Right to be exempt from Automated Decision-Making – In cases where a decision will affect you legally or in a similarly important way, you have the right to be exempt from decisions that are made exclusively through automated means, including profiling.
    The following channels can be used by qualified data subjects in the EU and the UK to submit a privacy request:
    by sending an email to [email protected]
    You have the right to file a complaint with the EU or UK Supervisory Authority if you reside there. On the other hand, we ask that you get in touch with us first if you have any complaints about how your personal information is processed. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

    Your Rights to Privacy in the United States

    In cases where relevant privacy laws allow it, you may be able to use some or all of the following rights to your personal data:

    Right to Access / Right to Know – You have the right to confirm whether we process personal information about you and to request that we disclose to you the following: (i) the categories of personal information that we have collected about you (including sensitive personal information); (ii) the categories of sources from which we have collected personal information about you; (iii) the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information; (iv) the categories of personal information that we have sold about you and the categories of outside parties to whom the personal information was sold; (v) the categories of personal information that we have disclosed about you for our business purposes and the categories of suppliers to whom the personal information was disclosed; (vi) a portable copy of the specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you; and (vii) information about the logic involved in any automated decision-making processes used by us (if applicable), as well as a description of the likely outcome of the process with respect to you.
    Right to Deletion: With a few exclusions, you have the right to ask that any personal data we may have about you be deleted.
    Right to Opt-Out of Sale or Sharing of Your Personal Information: By clicking the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link in the website footer, you can request that we not “sell” or “share” your personal information to or with third parties for monetary or other consideration, as defined by applicable privacy laws. You can visit and to opt out of specific uses of cookies for advertising reasons if you would like to avoid cookie-based tracking for those purposes. The options available to you are specific to the device, browser, and website that you are currently using. Every time you clear the cache or cookies on your web browser, your selections are gone.
    Right to Update or Correct: You have the right to ask that the personal data we keep on file about you be updated, corrected, or modified. If you have an account, you may also change the details of your profile at any time by going to the account settings page.
    Opt-out of Automated Decision-Making: To the extent that we process data using profiling or automated decision-making, you have the right to request to be removed from such processes.
    Limit the Use of Your Sensitive Personal Information: You have the option to ask us to restrict the uses of any sensitive personal information you provided in Section 3 above to those that are permitted by applicable privacy laws. Please be aware that we will only use your sensitive personal information insofar as it is required to fulfill our obligations to you (i.e., to deliver the products and services you have requested, maintain the caliber of our offerings, or safeguard our offerings from unauthorized use) or as permitted by applicable privacy laws.
    The following channels can be used by qualified U.S. citizens to request the exercise of these rights:

    To get a portable copy of your information, exercise your right to have your information corrected or deleted, or to learn more about the categories and uses of your information.
    To exercise your right not to sell or distribute your personal information, fill out this form.
    by sending an email to [email protected]
    You won’t face discrimination from typical Casters just because you made any of these requirements. Before attending to your requests, we shall make a good faith effort to confirm your identification. Depending on the level of sensitivity of the personal data and if you have an account with us, different verification procedures will apply.

    Based on our legal rights and obligations, we have the right to partially or not to fulfill any request at all. To keep an active account, handle transactions, assist with customer requests, and for tax or other record-keeping purposes, for instance, we may retain personal information as long as required by law. As previously said, we will provide you with a supplementary privacy notice where applicable, outlining your rights regarding personal information gathered about you as an employee, contractor, or job applicant.

    Extra California Privacy Notices

    Regarding California’s privacy legislation, kindly take note of the following:

    Identifiers; customer record information; geolocation data; device, Internet, or other electronic network activity information; professional or employment-related information; inferences; sensitive personal information; and inferences are some of the categories of personal information that we gather and use for the business and commercial purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Refer to Section 3 above for more information.

    We employ the aforementioned types of personal data for the commercial and business uses mentioned in the preceding Section 4.

    As further detailed in Section 2 above, we obtain these categories of personal information from the following sources: you directly; vendors we employ to handle tasks on our behalf; other third parties with whom we do business, such as social media platforms, marketing partners, and clients; and corporate affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or parents.

    In order to protect the security of our website and/or the Services, as required by law, in connection with a transfer of assets, or to other third parties with your consent, we disclose each of the aforementioned categories of personal information to our corporate parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries; service providers; advertisers and marketing companies; clients; and other third parties. See above, Section 5, for further information.

    Identifiers and the categories of personal information mentioned in California are among the categories of your personal information that we might “sell” or “share.” Civ. Code § 1798.80(e); commercial data; geolocation data; conclusions; and use of the Internet or other electronic network. We exchange and sell this personal data to advertising networks and advertisers. We do not knowingly exchange or sell personal data belonging to customers who are younger than sixteen.

    Sensitive personal information is never used or disclosed for purposes other than those allowed by the relevant California privacy laws.

    Information Security (IT)

    In order to lower the risk of unintentional destruction or loss, as well as unauthorized disclosure or access to personal information, we have put in place and continue to maintain technical and organisational security measures, policies, and processes that are appropriate for the information in question.

    However, no information transfer or storage over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Please take the necessary precautions to protect this information, as it is partially dependent on the security of the computer you use to interact with us and the security you use to safeguard user IDs and passwords.

    Data Retention and Storage

    Your personal information, including sensitive personal information, will only be kept by us for as long as it is reasonably required to fulfill the objectives for which it was gathered, as detailed in this Policy. We’ll make sure that your information is securely disposed of when it’s no longer needed. In certain situations, when it is legally permissible, we might keep your personal data for extended periods of time. The following factors are taken into account while determining the proper retention period:

    With hosting service providers in many locations, such as the US, Canada, Latin America, Europe, and Australia, Typical Casters hosts data. Your information might be disclosed to our hosting companies, any other service providers operating in those nations, or any other nation in which we occasionally conduct business. Because of this, in accordance with their legal frameworks, those nations’ governments and law enforcement agencies may be able to access and disclose this information. If you live in the UK or the EU, it is possible that your personal data will be moved to and stored in nations with differing data protection laws, such as the US, and that information will be stored there. When compared to the data protection standards of the EU, EEA, and the UK, the European Commission and the UK government may deem the data protection standards in the US and some other countries where we process your information to be insufficient. You agree to this transfer, storing, and processing of your personal data by using our websites or services or by providing it to us. We shall take the necessary actions to guarantee that any transfers of personal data comply with the relevant legal requirements.

    rules and regulations pertaining to taxation, employment, accounting, and securities, among other regulatory requirements to which we are subject;
    if the information would be pertinent in the event that a lawsuit was filed against us;
    the information is required in order to offer our customers with our services; and/or
    the categories and level of sensitivity of the data being processed